Page 532 - Motor Disorders Third Edition
P. 532

514 / chapter 28                                             perivasculitis (PV) (Figures 1 A, B), defined respectively,
    Table 1. Clinicopathological Findings in 107 Patients    as mononuclear cellular infiltration in or around the walls
                    with Diabetic Neuropathy                 of peripheral nerve microvessels. Necrotizing arteritis was
                                                             detected in nerve biopsy tissue in two patients with DSPN
	 Number	Percentage                                          and in one with DLSRPN, although absent in postmortem
                                                             tissue of the latter patient in whom femoral, sciatic nerve,
Study Cohort                36 	 34                          and lumbar plexus instead showed PV of the epineurium,
   (Mean age 64.7 years)    71 	 66                          perineurium, and endoneurium (32).
   (Range 31 to 95 years)
   Women 	                   1	1                             IMMUNE ETIOPATHOGENESIS OF
   Men 	                    35	33                            DIABETIC NEUROPATHY
                            71	66
Clinical Neuropathic                                         In the past several years, several lines of investigations have
       Syndrome              1	 1                            suggested the importance of altered humoral and cell-medi-
                            17	 16                           ated immunity in the pathogenesis of diabetic microangi-
   MNM	                     54	 50                           opathy. Diabetes itself appears to be caused by autoimmune
   DLSRPN	                  35	 33                           mechanisms directed against the insulin-producing beta
   DSPN	                                                     cells of the pancreas, and a variety of autoantibodies have
Histologic Severity of       1	 1                            been detected in patients with IDDM, including anti-islet-
                            45	65                            cell cytoplasmic autoantibodies, present in up to 80% of
       Neuropathy           23	34                            newly diagnosed patients (33), and glutamic acid decar-
   Normal 	                 26	23                            boxylase antibodies, also present in patients with stiff-man
   Mild 	                                                    syndrome (34). The pancreas of newly diagnosed IDDM
   Moderate 	                3	3                             patients showed insulitis consisting predominantly of CD8+
   Severe 	                  3	 3                            T-cells with variable numbers of CD4+ T-cells, killer cells,
Teased Fiber/Semithin                                        and expression of major histocompatibility class I mol-
                            70	 67                           ecules (35), as did the pancreas’ of two children who died
       Section Analysis     65	 62                           rapidly of cerebral edema after apparent onset of juvenile
   Normal 	                 10 	 9                           IDDM, in addition to membrane-bound superantigen (36).
   Axonopathy	                                               IDDM occurs with increased frequency in several other
   Myelinopathy	             5	 5                            autoimmune disorders, including Grave disease, pernicious
Cellular Response                                            anemia, Hashimoto thyroditis, myasthenia gravis, anti-
   Perivasculitis	                                           phospholipid antibody syndrome, and Addison disease.
   Microvasculitis	                                          Investigators have reported mononuclear cell infiltration,
   Necrotizing vasculitis	                                   first employing light microscopic analysis of paraffin sec-
Complement Immuno-                                           tions stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) (7–9, 17,
                                                             37, 38), and later with cell-marker immunocytochemistry
       fluorescence                                          (39) and immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrating
   C3 deposition	                                            perineurial deposition of immunoglobulins and comple-
   C5b-9 	                                                   ment (40). Other patients with diabetic neuropathy were
Other Findings                                               noted to have multifocal ischemia without vascular occlu-
   Onion bulb formations 	                                   sion in peripheral nerve biopsy specimens (37).
   Epineurial vascular
                                                                Two disorders of known autoimmune etiopathogenesis,
       thrombosis	                                           CIDP and LSRPN, have now been well studied in diabet-
                                                             ics. Stewart (41), Haq, and coworkers (42) described the
ological findings of which are summarized (Table 1). Two     clinical, electrophysiological, and histopathologic find-
patients had juvenile-onset DM, and the remainder had        ings of a small series of patients with DM who met formal
type 1 and 2 DM in equal ratio. One patient had MNM, and     criteria for CIDP, the associated features of which did not
the remainder had DSPN and DLSRPN in a 2:1 ratio. Five       discriminate diabetics from non-diabetics. Dyck and col-
patients (4%) had minor wound infection at the incision      leagues (43) compared 57 patients with LSRPN alone or
site that responded to antibiotics and 4% had short-lasting  with diabetes in 33 other patients, with regard to natural
postoperative causalgia. The severity of neuropathy was      history variables, electrophysiological features, quantita-
mild in 17%, moderate in 50%, and severe in 33%, based
upon the degree of myelinated fiber degeneration and loss
in transverse paraffin and epoxy sections. Two-thirds of
nerves showed primary axonopathy and one-third primary
myelinopathy after analysis of semithin epoxy sections and
teased nerve fiber preparations. Altogether, 3% and 23%
of nerves, respectively, revealed microvasculitis (MV) and
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