Page 179 - Motor Disorders Third Edition
P. 179

Founder effects, a phenomenon of shared identity by        NEUROGENETIC EVALUATION OF MOTOR DISORDERS / 161
common descent, which explains the increased frequency
of certain conditions within a particular group of disorders  disorganized neurofilaments are noted in patients with
such as hereditary inclusion body myopathy (IBM) among        AD CMT2E caused by mutation at the 8p21.2 locus of the
Ashkenazi Jews due to glucosamine (UDP-N-acetyl)-             NEFL gene (48). Focally folded myelin sheaths are seen in
2-epimerase (GNE) mutations, with a carrier frequency         cutaneous nerve biopsy of patients with AR CMT4B due to
of 1 in 20 susceptible individuals (44). The AR progressive   mutation at the 11q21 locus of the MTMR2 gene (49), while
fatal infantile neurodegenerative disorder Tay Sachs disease  distinctive Schwann cell proliferation with multiple small
(TSD), is caused by mutation in the alpha subunit of the      onion bulbs occur in AR CMT4C due to homozygous or
hexosaminidase (HEXA) gene among Ashkenazi Jews, the          compound mutation at the 5q32 locus of the SH3TC2 gene
causality of which has been associated with a limited num-    (50). Two allelic forms of CMT, AD type 2A2 and HMSN6,
ber of mutations. Screening programs can be introduced        due to heterozygous mutation at the 1p36.22 locus of the
that offer a high detection rate within the community.        MFN2 gene, respectively, show loss of large myelinated
Indeed, among the ultra-Orthodox Jews, screening prior to     fibers but no myelin abnormalities (51) or a mixed axonal
marriage introductions has led to the reduction in the inci-  pattern of axonal and demyelinating neuropathy with small
dence of TSD without the need for pregnancy terminations,     onion bulbs (52).
as matches or marriages between carriers are discouraged.
                                                              ASSIGNMENT OF A GENE DEFECT
                                                              The demonstration of a gene sequence alteration does not
Initial clues to the diagnosis of a genetic disorder may be   automatically assign the cause of a disease to a specific
derived from careful clinical and laboratory analysis of the  genetic defect. Instead, the process of assigning a gene defect
affected patient by a trained geneticist. Currently, readily  proceeds through a series of well-defined steps. First, the sug-
available random genetic testing that employ disease-based    gestion of causality requires functional correlation, such as
panels are cost ineffective and run the risk of engendering   elaboration of the mutant protein or demonstration of a loss
spurious results such as incidental sequence alternations     of function as in absent or diminished enzyme activity. Sec-
or changes whose significance is uncertain. Evolving tech-    ond, assignment of a given genetic defect requires proof of a
niques employed in genetic diagnosis are anticipated to       given pattern of segregation and inheritance, such that the
bring the costs of testing down significantly.                mutation is detectable in affected relatives but absent in unaf-
                                                              fected family members. Third, identification of the mutation
   Clues to the cause of myopathic disorders with an          in other patient cohorts, but not in the general population of
LGMD phenotype commences with a family pedigree to            otherwise healthy people, suggests even stronger causality. A
elucidate the pattern of inheritance, supplemented by elec-   fourth step involves detailed molecular analyses in silico of
trodiagnostic studies and direct histological examination     the gene sequence change employing certain computerized
of muscle tissue (as indicated). The presence of dystrophic   programs directing attention to the corresponding amino
muscle pathology should prompt the performance of spe-        acid sequence, and the potential consequences of a change
cific immunostaining and western blot analysis for evidence   in protein structure. A next step involves identification and
of a corresponding sarcoglycanopathy, calveolinopathy,        clarification of the gene defect, especially with regard to ori-
calpainopathy, dysferlinopathy, or a-dystroglycanopathy       gin by carrier parents, transmission within a family, or the
(45). The demonstration of complete or partial protein defi-  presence of a de novo gene mutation.
ciency can then be pursued by molecular analysis of the
suspected gene mutation.                                         The identification of the causal basis of many genetic
                                                              diseases, which in several instances may be polygenic, has
   Clues to the cause of an inherited peripheral neuropathy   enabled classification of those as well as others with often
may similarly be obtained by rigorous evaluation employing    shared phenotypes. For example, a conceptual framework
electrodiagnostic studies and histopathological examina-      based upon the role or function of the defective gene prod-
tion of an affected cutaneous nerve, prompting appropri-      uct has impacted on the approach toward understanding
ately selective molecular testing of the relevant suspected   of diverse forms of CMD. The CMD phenotype results
gene involved (46). The cutaneous nerve tissue findings of    from pathogenic mutation in more than one gene encod-
giant axonal swellings filled with densely packed bundles     ing a defective structural protein or enzyme (53). Struc-
of neurofilaments and segregation of other axoplasmic         tural proteins implicated in CMD include those localized
organelles should suggest giant axonal neuropathy (GAN)       to the sarcolemma, as well as others to the nuclear and
due to AR mutations at the 16q23.2 locus of the GAN gene      basement membranes.
encoding gigaxonin (47). Similar giant axons containing
                                                                 The elucidation of genetic mechanisms has also derived
                                                              from experimental murine models of a given disease
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