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the SCA28 form of inherited ataxia, wherein mutation in the     NEUROGENETIC EVALUATION OF MOTOR DISORDERS / 159
ATPase family gene 3-like 2 (AFG3L2) gene, which is selec-
tively expressed in cerebellar Purkinje neurons and involved    shedding new light on poorly understood physiology,
in the maintenance of the mitochondrial proteome (20). In       illustrated by the recent characterization of defects in selo-
other instances, the relevant tissue-specific pattern of gene   noprotein N (SEPN1), a cause of congenital muscular dys-
expression may be related more to the profile of its interact-  trophy (CMD) (27). Studies indicate SEPN1 is involved in
ing partners, as may be the case in myotonic dystrophy types    the regulation of ryanodine receptors and cellular redox
1 (DM1) and 2 (DM2), wherein transcribed CTG repeats in         homeostasis, as well as the regulation of satellite cell func-
the 3-prime-untranslated region of the dystrophia myotonica     tion. Pathogenic mutations have been identified in the gene
protein kinase (DMPK) gene are expressed in tissues affected    encoding selenocysteine insertion sequence-binding pro-
by DM1, while intronic CCTG expansion in the MBNL gene          tein 2 (SECISBP2 or SBP2), which mediates the generation
occur in DM2, which elaborates a protein that functions as a    of selenoproteins. Affected individuals with SBP2 muta-
target-specific regulator of pre-mRNA splicing (21). In these   tions have axial muscular dystrophy with features similar
instances, mutant proteins become neurotoxic to specific cell   to the myopathy caused by mutations in SEPN1, and shared
subtypes due to highly selective protein-protein interactions   molecular pathways may explain the commonalities in clin-
driven by the unique properties of the pathogenic protein.      ical presentations (28).

   One disease producing genetic mechanism involves                As shown above, investigation of putative disease
errors of RNA processing leads to alternative splicing and      mechanisms may reveal convergent disease pathways that
transcript editing. In the normal situation, these processes    explain overlapping clinical manifestations. Several studies
are a means of generating various products from a single        suggest the function of RNA-processing proteins is affected
gene, illustrating why the number of genes in humans is         by their sequestration by trinucleotide repeat expanded
far less than had been anticipated, given the wide diversity    mRNA (29). As there is extensive coupling between RNA
of protein products. RNA processing involves multiple dif-      processing events, it is likely that multiple physiologic
ferent players, and several genes. This is illustrated by the   pathways are disrupted. Adult-onset of symptoms could
contribution of the transcriptional repressor TARDBP gene,      reflect the protracted time it takes to breach a pathologic
which encodes the TAR DNA-binding protein (TDP43), and          threshold in post-mitotic cells within muscle and brain,
the fused in sarcoma (FUS) gene that encodes the regulatory     with somatic expansion of the repeats over an individual’s
transcription nucleoprotein; the cognate protein products       lifespan. Another basis for diseases with shared features can
are involved in RNA-processing pathways implicated in           be disruption of a particular signaling pathway as may be
inherited ALS (22, 23). Other examples include defects in       seen in NeuroCardioFacioCutaneous (NCFC), Noonan,
a particular gene that encodes proteins called snRNP, criti-    CFC, and Costello syndrome, wherein distinct causal gene
cal factors in the assembly of the survival of motor neurons    defects lead to abnormalities of RAS-MAP kinase signaling
gene 1 (SMN1), mutations of which cause spinal muscular         and similar manifestations (30).
atrophy (SMA (24). Splicing errors may also explain vari-
ability in clinical manifestations when the same gene is           A common feature of several neurological diseases is the
involved, such as occurs in disruption of the open reading      presence of abnormal protein aggregates, which can be in
frame of the dystrophin gene, resulting in the classic DMD      the form of extracellular and intracellular protein depos-
phenotype; whereas preservation of the reading frame leads      its that develop respectively, from amyloid b-protein as in
instead to the milder Becker phenotype (25).                    senile plaques in Alzheimer disease (AD), or a-synuclein
                                                                in Parkinson disease (PD) (31). Although the relationship
   Discovery of the gene defects can lead to the elucidation    between deposits and neuronal loss is not fully understood,
of novel mechanisms of disease. For example, mutations          there is agreement that these observations are surrogate
in the ABHD12 gene encoding abhydrolase domain con-             markers of specific neurodegenerative disorders.
taining 12, the cause of AR polyneuropathy, hearing loss,
ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa, and cataract (abbreviated as         In several disorders, including those associated with
PHARC) (26) due to an enzymatic defect of 2-arachidonoyl        motor neuron disease (MND), spastic paraplegia, and
glycerol (2-AG) hydrolysis, involved in the metabolism of       peripheral neuropathy, gene defects that encode proteins
an endogenous transmitter acting on cannabinoid recep-          that have a role in both anterograde and retrograde axonal
tors. Dysregulation of the endocannabinoid system has not       transport have been identified (32). Similarly, genetic disor-
been previously implicated in ataxia or any other neurode-      ders associated with leukodystrophy are causally related to
generative disorders. This discovery and others may ulti-       genes that encode proteins with roles in the generation and
mately enable development of rational therapies based on        maintenance of myelin (33).
understanding of disease processes.
                                                                   Neuronal loss and dysfunction related to genetic defects
   The elucidation of disease mechanisms is, in turn,           are likely mediated by one or more pathologic mechanisms,
                                                                including excitotoxicity and oxidative stress. Misfolded
                                                                proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) may over-
                                                                whelm ER-associated degradation (ERAD), resulting in
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