Page 7 - The Vasculitides, Volume 1: General Considerations and Systemic Vasculitis
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Foreword                                                          vii

           Richard A. Watts, M.D., M.P.H.                          ix
           and Charles Pusey, M.D.                                 xi
Preface                                                            3
           David S. Younger, M.D., M.P.H                          65

List of Contributors                                              85

I. General Considerations                                         95

Chapter 1  History and Background of Vasculitis                  121
Chapter 2  Eric L. Matteson, M.D., M.P.H.
Chapter 3                                                        145
Chapter 4  Overview of Primary and Secondary Vasculitides
           David S. Younger, M.D., M.P.H.
Chapter 5
           Epidemiology of Primary Systemic Vasculitis
Chapter 6  David S. Younger, M.D., M.P.H.
Chapter 7
           Experimental Autoimmune Vasculitis: Insights into
           Human Vasculitis Using Animal Models
           Alan D. Salama, M.B., B.S., M.A., Ph.D.
           and Mark A. Little, F.R.C.P., Ph.D.

           Genetic Aspects of Vasculitis
           F. David Carmona, Ph.D.,
           Ana Márquez, M.D.,
           Javier Martín, M.D.
           and Miguel A. González-Gay, M.D., Ph.D.

           Nomenclature and Pathologic Features of Vasculitides
           J. Charles Jennette, M.D., Ronald J. Falk, M.D.
           and Adil. H. M. Gasim, M.D.

           Classification of Pediatric Vasculitides
           Ezgi Deniz Batu, M.D. and Seza Ozen, M.D.

           Complimentary Contributor Copy
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