Page 34 - The Vasculitides, Volume 1: General Considerations and Systemic Vasculitis
P. 34

10 Eric L. Matteson

those associated with hepatitis C virus infection, while foregoing the category of
hypersensitivity vasculitis.


     The contributions of early workers in vasculitis have had a profound impact in forming
our modern concepts of vasculitis. They reflect careful clinical observation, the application of
emerging technologies, and advances in therapy, which form the basis for our understanding
of these disease entities. They are the product of an ongoing tradition of investigation which
is alive and well today. Our current knowledge of vasculitis is the result of a both long and
short history of applied clinical observation and basic science investigation. Better
recognition of vasculitis has also led to better effective treatment of vasculitis.


[1] Matteson, E. L. Notes on the history of idiopathic vasculitis: The diseases of Henoch
       and Schönlein, Wegener, Churg and Strauss, Horton Takayasu, Behçet, and Kawasaki.
       Arthritis Care Res. 2000; 13; 237-245.

[2] Wood, C. A. Memorandum Book of a Tenth-Century Oculist. A translation of the
       Tadhkirat of Ali ibn Isa. Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 1936:225.

[3] Virchow, R. Ueber die akute Entzündung der Arterien. Virchows Arch. Pathol. Anat.
       1847; 1:272-288.

[4] Virchow, R. Die Cellularpathologie in ihrer Begründung auf physiologische und
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       Hirschwald, 1858.

[5] Saporta, A. Tractus de lue venerea. Ex instructissima biblioteca Ranchiniana eruti, and
       publici juris facti, cura, and studio Henrici Gras. Lyon, Sumptibus, Petri Ravaud, 1624.

[6] Broussais, F.-J.-V. Histoire des phlegmasias ou inflammations chroniques, fondée sur
       de nouvelles observations de clinique et d’anatomie pathologique. 2nd ed. Paris, Gabon
       and Crochard, 1816.

[7] Brunner, J. J. Memoria Wepferiana. Miscellanea curiosa sive Ephemeridum.
       Academiae imp. Leopoldinae, Decuria 3, ann. 3, appendix pp. 153-168, 1696. German
       translation In: Brunner, C., Mural, W. Aus den Briefen hervorragender Schweizer Ärzte
       des 17. Jahrhunderts. Basel, Schwabe, 1919; 82-97.

[8] Matteson, E. L. A history of idiopathic vasculitis, Rochester, MN. Mayo Clinic Press,

[9] Hodgson, J. A treatise on the diseases of arteries and veins, containing the pathology
       and treatment of aneurisms and wounded arteries. London, T. Underwood, 1815.

[10] Hunter, J. A treatise on the blood, inflammation, and gun-shot wounds. To which is
       prefixed a short account of the author?s life by Everard Home. London, J. Richardson,

[11] Rokitansky, K. Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. Wien, Braumiller and Seidel,

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