Clinician, Researcher, Public Health Scientist and Advocate for Patients

David S. Younger MD DrPH MPH MS

David S. Younger MD


David S. Younger MD DrPH  specializes in Neuromuscular Diseases and Neuro-Epidemiology. For the past three decades, his work has focused on disorders triggered by infection and autoimmunity.  Dr. David Younger is a highly trained neurologist and public health authority, and an expert in the use of immunotherapy to treat specialized childhood and adult neurologic disorders. He has authored several books, and over 250 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and abstracts.

Dr. Younger is a member of the Neuropathy Commons initiative as being one of a group of neurologists who accurately diagnoses peripheral nerve problems, performs various tests for peripheral neuropathy including electromyography and nerve conduction study, neurodiagnostic skin and nerve biopsies, and autonomic function testing, and treats a variety of related disorders.

Learn about Dr. Younger’s participation in Neuropathy Commons initiative of highly trained neurologists who diagnose and treat small fiber neuropathy READ MORE

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Explore the unique resources Dr.Younger brings to his patients with neurological Lyme disease EXPLORE

Listen to Dr. Younger’s Interview and Read about The Autoimmune Brain Listen Read

Watch Dr. Younger's American Academy of Neurology 2022 Presentation on COVID-19 Watch


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Recent Books

The Vasculitides Volumes 1 and 2; Second Edition, 2019, Edited by David S. Younger


Neurological Clinics under Science of Medical Cannabis

book:  Neurological Clinics under Science of Medical Cannabis

The Science of Medical Cannabis, 2018, by David S. Younger

The Science of Medical Cannabis

Human Lyme Neuroborreliosis, 2015, by David S. Younger

Human Lyme Neuroborreliosis